I’m Sorry Letter to Husband – Marriage is full of ups and down. At times it may be rosy, at times it may seem as if that the love that brought the man and the woman together to become husband and wife is no longer there. Couples maybe pushed to display inappropriate acts when they are angered. If such an anger is not properly controlled, things may get out of hand.
Apology letter to husband is necessary when you as a wife have a sense of remorse for doing things that you are not supposed to do to your husband. Two wrongs cannot make a right. Apologizing to your husband when you offend him is a way of telling him to let go of whatever that may have transpired between the both of you. This clearly indicates that you want peace to reign, at times it may not be your fault, but you found the need to have a peaceful atmosphere in your home.
Use the right words that will melt your husband’s heart when you want to write apology letter to him. Call him by that sweet name, state whatever that may have transpired between the both of you and offer your words of apology. You can equally follow up the letter to know his reaction and response towards so as to know if there are further steps that you should take.
I’m Sorry Letters to Husband – Apology Letter for hurting my Husband
1. To err is human to forgive is divine
My Love,
I have blamed myself for being the reason why you have been having sleepless nights. Using these hurtful words on you didn’t come from the bottom of my heart but only due to anger. You’ve been a great husband to me that have made me to always count myself lucky being blessed with a good husband like you. I have been trying to find the right words to say I’m sorry for hurting your feelings. Here am I, asking for your forgiveness and promising to be a good wife henceforth. Please find a place in your heart to forgive me. To err is human and to forgive is divine. I love you so much my sweet husband.
2. Our home has not been the same since you became angry
My Sweetheart,
Life with you have been so enjoyable in such a way that I look forward to spending every moment with you. Since the last three days that we had that misunderstanding, I must confess to you that your silence is weakening me. I not only feel lonely but keep on being angry with myself for bringing out an undesirable part of you. Permit me to say that you are my joy giver and a blessing from God to me. Our home has not been the same since you became angry. Please, I plead that let’s try as much as possible to eschew bitterness and rancor for the peace and progress of our home.
3. Please, forgive me and still take me as the love of your life
My World,
During the beginning of our union, we promised each other that our love can never be shaken even by the mightiest wind. Though temptations that gives way for any of us to get angry and cross our limit have been arising, I was glad that we handled them maturely. This time around, I’m surprised that you got upset by my little joke of the day other day. Please, I didn’t meant to hurt you in any way. Misunderstanding and nagging are ill wind that brings nothing good to the peace and progress of the family. My heart is pure and I have nothing but love for you. Do not feel offended, lets continue to be that adorable couple that we have always been. Please, forgive me and still take me as the love of your life.
4. Let’s be a good role model to our kids
My Sweet Husband,
We agreed that our kids will be the epitome of greatness and good virtue in every area of their life. To achieve this goal, we have been making sure that our character speaks for us knowing fully well that kids are being influenced by what is happening around them. Having a hurtful argument that ensued between us in the presence of the kids is something that I’m not proud of. To make things worse, you even threatened to slap me in the presence of the kid. Oh, what a deviant attitude that does not align with our goals of parenting! What are we then trying to teach our children knowing fully well that example is the best teacher. Please, let us bury the hatchet and forge ahead positively so that the love in the home will radiate. You are still my Darling husband that I will ever live to love. Let’s be a good role model to our kids.
5. Let’s mend the cracks so that the devil will not see the avenue to enter our home
My Boo,
Marriage is an institution built by God with the commandment that husband and wife should live in love. The foundation of marriage should be strong so as not to give for intruders, gossipers, backbiters, home wreckers to gain entry into our union. Remember before now, our home has been an exemplary and a cynosure of every eye within the community. The little misunderstanding that we had which has lingered for so long is not expected of us. I owe it up to be responsible for the issue that led to the misunderstanding. Therefore, I’m sorry, please forgive me. Let’s mend the cracks so that the devil will not see the avenue to enter our home. You are still the love of my life.
6. There is no gain in having a broken home
My Love,
I have analysed it from every angle and come to the conclusion that “United we stand, divided we fall.” From the inception of our marriage, we have been struggling together to make both ends meet and God has been indeed, faithful to us. Our dreams have been coming to reality. At this time, this misunderstanding is uncalled for. We have allowed the perishable things of the world most especially money to deprive us of the loving union that we have had over the years. Let us pause and ponder and ask God to forgive us and lead us to the right lane so that we would run our family as usual. May we let go of the bitterness that have resided all these days and pray God to continue blessing us. There is no gain in having a broken home. I love you so much.
The success of every home is a joint effort of both the husband, wife and children. Writing an apology letter to your husband is a great way of allowing peace to reign in your home. Don’t be tired of asking for forgiveness each time you offends your husband.
Also Read; Sample Letter to Husband to Save Marriage
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