The best way to show those close to you that you really care about them is to share in their joy during their celebration days. Wedding Anniversaries is a great occasion for couples because it reminds them of how far they have gone and also strengthens them for the journey ahead. Marriage comes with its ups and downs, for these couples to continue to stand strong and decided to celebrate their anniversary calls for great celebration. It can also be an opportunity for them to renew their marital vows, count their blessings and carefully plan for the future. If you are the parent(s) of such couple, using this medium to offer your words of love, encouragement and prayer to them is a great idea. Inspirational anniversary wishes for daughter and son-in-law is written for Mum to use and send across to their daughter and son-in-law.
You need to be proud to be a father or mother to such celebrants. In your wishes or messages to them, express your gratitude for being their parent, give them your words of advice and encouragement, then, pray for good things to continue to happen to them. Sending such wishes or prayers printed in card will also be a good idea.
Inspirational Anniversary Wishes for Daughter and Son-in-law
1. My Lovely children, I’m glad to witness this day of your wedding anniversary. So surprised that 10 years has already passed, yet, your love for each other keeps on waxing stronger. As you celebrate your anniversary today, may God grant you the love that knows no ending and a perfect life with all the good things that it has to offer. This is just the begining of celebration in your union. Happy Anniversary and more blissful years ahead.
2. I’m pleased that your hearts have been blended together in love. My prayer for you today is that your union will continue to be an exemplary one that will continue to stand the taste of time. May new joy always blossom in your union till the end. The smiles on your faces today will be everlasting. Happy Anniversary to both of you.
3. Today is a joyous day for me because I am witnessing the anniversary of my lovely children. I’m proud of the way that both of you resolve issues amicably in your home. May the good Lord continue to strengthen, purify, refine and beautify each of your days. The celebration of your anniversary today will pave way for more growth and oppourtunities in your home. Happy Anniversary to my daughter and son-in-law.
4. I’m proud of the envious union that both of you have built all thes years. May the Lord continue to make what is best in the both of you to continue to combine. May you continue to be brave enough to handle any situation that may arise in your union. You will continue to love each other and through your loving have a fulfilled life. Happy Anniversary to both of you.
5. A day that I can never forget in my life is the day that both of you were united together in love. I’m equally proud that your union have continued to grow from strength to strength. This is just the begining, the good Lord will continue to open more doors and blessings upon your family. You will live long to celebrate more happy years ahead. Happy Anniversary my Lovely children.
6. It is great to know that you have maintained your marital vows till date. The smiles on your faces each time both of you comes around to visit me is highly admirable. My prayer is that the love bond that is existing between the both of you will never be shaken by anything. The older your union gets, the more amazing you will find each other. Cheers to more fruitful years ahead.
7. Your union is a great illustration of the saying that “iron sharpens iron.” What you have achieved together these few years is a clear indication of this. On this day of your anniversary, It is my wish that you continue to be the best for each other. May your love for each other continue to grow and glow. May God grant you more beautiful years in good health and strength. Happy Anniversary to both of you.
8. My wonderful children, I’m so happy to share in the joy of your anniversary with you today. The good Lord will continue to be present in you home to guide, bless and protect your entire family. No matter how hard the wind blows, it is my prayer that both of you will continue to remain inseparable. Happy Anniversary.
9. On this day, I want to remind the both of you that your home is already filled with sure love. All the things needed for this union to continue to flourish, you will surely get. Keep upholding your unbeatable standards about marriage. May God grant all your heart desires and expectations as you mark your wedding anniversary today. Happy Anniversary to my Daughter and Son-in-law.
10. I share in your joy and happiness as you celebrate your wedding anniversary today. I’m already impressed by the level of love and care that both of you have for each other. May joy, peace, wisdom and understanding continue to overflow in your home. May the Sun continue to rise and set in your favour. Happy Anniversary.
11. A peaceful home is the prayer of many married couples and intending couples. Here am I, standing tall as the mother of the celebrants. My Lovely children, thanks for emulating your parents in building this wonderful union. The Lord will continue to be near you home at all times to lead you aright. Happy Anniversary.
12. Today is not only a day to celebrate your anniversary, for me, it is also a day to thank God for the enviable union that both of you have built together. You’re in my thought and prayer always and it is my wish that nothing will ever come in between the both of you. Enjoy the celebration of your anniversary.
13. Happy Anniversary to my cute young couples. No amount of words will be able to express my joy on this day. The golden sunshine will always shine bright in your home. The air that you will always breath will be filled with goodness. The Lord will always be your ultimate provider. Have a fun-filled anniversary celebration.
14. It is the joy of every parent seeing their married children happy and always beaming with smiles. I found myself lucky to be associated with the wonderful union that the both of you have built all these years. May your lives be filled with loads of goodness and undescribable joy. Happy Anniversary.
15. I’m very sure that your union is sealed with great love and understanding. Thanks so much for making me a proud Dad/Mum. Your union points to the path that knows no ending. May the Almighty God continue to shelter both of you with His love divine and draw both of you nearer to him at all times. Happy Anniversary.
16. The stream of your love will never run dry. The older your union gets, the sweeter it will become. May lines continue to fall in pleasant places for both of you. Cheers to more years of love and celebrations.
17. Love is indeed, strong. You are looking alike! I feel fulfilled because I strongly believe that my efforts towards raising you, Dear Daughter wasn’t in vain. May you husband continue to speak good of you and may both of you continue to grow in love. Happy Anniversary my Blessed Children.
18. A union characterized by love and understanding always live to record great achievements. Today, I join in celebrating your wedding anniversary being proud that you have unquantifiable love for each other. I’m wishing you more and more happy years ahead. Happy Anniversary my Beloved Children.
19. Your love for each other will never fade with ages but will continue to remain evergreen. The blessings of the Lord will continue to be evident in your home. Happy Anniversary.
20. Happy Anniversary Dear Children. You will continue to see the reason to love each other at all times. Times and seasons can change, but your love for each other will never change. Enjoy the celebration of your anniversary.
21. Happy Anniversary. The both of you will live long to reap the fruits of you labour. More joy and happiness in your lives.
22. I can clearly recall how both of you walked majestically to the altar on the day of your wedding. I concluded that you were the perfect match for each other. Thanks for not proving me wrong all these years. Happy Anniversary and many lovely years ahead.
23. Happy Anniversary to an Amazing couple. The joy of the Lord will continue to be your stronghold.
24. I’m sure you’re the world’s best couple. Keep loving and cherishing each other. Happy Anniversary.
25. Happy Anniversary my Children. Please, Always remember God in your home.
26. This is a love that has no ending. Keep flourishing and enjoying yourselves. The good Lord will continue to make both of you prosperous. Happy Anniversary.
27. May the celebration of your anniversary unlock more doors for you. Cheers to more years of wisdom and understanding.
28. Your marriage shall continue to be a blessing not only to you but the whole world at large. May the goodness of the Lord continue to radiate in your home. Happy Anniversary.
29. This is a great day indeed, I can’t wait to see your happy faces. Thank God that both of you have continued to stand strong with each other through thick and thin. Cheers to more happy and fulfilled years ahead.
30. Happy Anniversary to my Daughter and son-in-law. Thank God for making this day a reality.
Make your daughter to feel special on her anniversary with your warm wishes. It doesn’t matter the number of years they have been together. Remind them of the need to continue to stand strong and tall and to always remember God in their union. God being by their side, they will fulfill all their purposes. I hope you got what you want from our Inspirational Anniversary wishes for daughter and son-in-law. Do not forget to share.
Also Read; Christian Wedding Anniversary Wishes and Prayers for Couples
May God Bless Your Union Messages and Quotes