The best way to spice things up in your relationship is by bringing up some funny jokes at times. There are cute ways you can communicate your feelings to your girlfriend and the impact will be lasting. You don’t need to be a comedian before you can make her laugh because some funny combination of words can do the job. Sending her funny love messages will equally help her to relax after a stressful day. Funny text messages for her to fall in love with you is filled with funny words of love that you can send across to her like as a text, through phone calls or even send it to her social media inboxes.
Let it be sweet and don’t be too mean when you are writing such a message. There are so many ways you can draw inspiration when you are writing such a message to her. These includes; what she likes eating, doing, adventure, pets, the environment and so many others. Make her laugh with your words, this is a great way of keeping the thought of you alive in her heart always.
Funny Love Text Messages to Make Her fall in love with you
1. When I see the stars in the sky at night, it reminds me of how bright your beautiful face shines. You are not only my girlfriend but also my emergency number. The wave of your love wants to blow me away completely, whenever you see me lying beside you, know that it was the wave that brought me there.
2. Your love has scattered my brain in such a way that I can’t stay a second without thinking about you. The grip of your love makes me feel helpless. Your presence shines to the deepest part of my heart which makes me wonder if you are magician. I feel so lazy when I’m with you because I can’t focus on anything else but you. I can’t get tired of professing my love for you everyday.
3. The way that my heart beats for you I’m afraid that it will not leave me one day and move over to you. The animation force of your love can propel me to another planet. I can use the strength from your love to win wars. Don’t be annoyed that I’m jealous, this is just because I can’t stand losing you to another person.
4. You are like a wine that I can’t get tired of sipping. Your love gets sweeter as the day goes by. At times, I tap myself to know if I’m still with my right senses, but “O yes I am”, just that I have fallen in love with an Angel. You have wounded me with your love but I’m happy the wounds made me a happy man.
5. Someone asked me if I inhaled a laughing gad lately. This is because I can’t stop laughing and smiling ever since I fall in love with you. I’m obsessed with you and I hope you are not afraid because I will like to be where you are always. Always keep a space for me wherever you are because you can see me suddenly around you.
6. I want to dive into the deepest abyss with you. I want to take you to a cool corner to let you know how much you mean to me. Hope you can be able to take me out if my strength fails me. The rest of my life I will live to show you how much I love and care about you.
7. Look up to the sky, can you count the stars up there? That’s how uncountable my love for you is. Look at my eyes, the love in there, you cannot measure. Even in the darkest of the night, I can trace you with the aura of your love. You have caged my heart with your love, please handle it with care. The type of love that I found in you is rare because you make me to fall in love over and over again.
8. The day that I wanted to prank you by annoying you, I made the plan and left the house. Halfway, I broke down in tears, How can I annoy an Angel like you even for a second? I got to where you are and saw myself smiling uncontrollably. Don’t think you have defeated me with your love , I may still prank you another day.
9. I think you are a Chameleon, you appear and reappear with so many shades of love and each seems stronger than the previous one. You spice up my life with your love and made me to understand that we can get tired of falling in love over and over again with the right person.
10. Your love has a great wave, it blows me off from my stay to where you are. Hope you will not feel offended if I call you a “thief” just because you have stolen my heart. I won’t say our love should grow like a tree because a tree might be cut off one day, rather, it is my wish that it grows like an immovable mountain that will last from ages to ages. You have mesmerized my heart with your love.
11. You were born on a unique day and I also believe that you were specially created. At times, I wonder if you are actually from this planet. Your love makes me do the things that seems so difficult for me to do with ease. Keep manipulating me with your love, I love it.
12. Do you know my greatest desire? I want to hold you when you sleep, smile when you smile, laugh when you laugh and crack jokes with you. I will like our hearts to be intertwined like a magic thread. I’m ready to hold the umbrella for you when it is raining and wouldn’t even mind if the rain is falling on me. I want to love you like no one else can.
13. I’m about to write a poetry about us, it’s title will be “my amazing girlfriend and I” I will tell the world that every man needs to get a girlfriend as cute as you are. Of course you know that you don’t have a duplicate. I love everything about you.
14. If I am to be an eagle and you need my wings, I wouldn’t mind giving you my two wings. I’m ready to cut down an Iroko tree with razor blade just to show you how much I love you.
15. You are the apple of my eyes, the sugar in my tea and the butter in my bread. You are the only one that can make me catch a grenade. I love you more than you can ever imagine.
Short funny Jokes for girlfriend to make Her Laugh
1. I like making you laugh because your set of sparkling teeth is a good sight to behold.
2. Even though I like eating apples, I have come to like berries just because I admire the movement of your lips when you are eating it. Buy one for me when you are buying yours.
3. Do you think I can ever let loose of my web of love around you? No I can’t, just because I fought so hard to have you as mine.
4. There were missing letters in my life before I met you. I thank God you helped me to find these missing letters. I appreciate the love that you made me to see.
5. Your love twirls like a butterfly inside my chest, it gives me a weird feeling but I love every bit of it.
6. You can never do anything wrong in my eyes. I hope I have not been blinded with your love.
7. I won’t give you a love that you cannot see, I will rather give you a love that you can see and feel around you always.
8. If I’m to choose between you and diamond, I will always choose you because you worth more than diamond to me.
9. I hope you don’t snore why you sleep because I will make a ringing tone out of it. I love you anyways.
10. There is something magical about your love, how you gathered my broken pieces into something whole still amazes me. I love you so much.
11. I saw you staring at me, I wonder what could be going on in your mind at that time. Am a handsome guy I guess? I think you will feel lucky having me in your life.
12. You have locked up my heart and I’m not ready to come out from there because I have made that place my home.
13. Although I love you, I won’t allow you to win me in a race because you will think you are smarter than me.
14. Looking at your face, I already know you will look great when you start getting old.
15. Even if you are an oversized shirt, I will still wear you like that.
Treat her the best way that she wants to be treated. No dulling moment, make every moment count in your relationship. Make use of funny Love Messages for her to make your girlfriend happy when always.
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